Health Highlights: June 24, 2022​

CDC panel recommends Moderna COVID vaccine for kids ages 6 through 17. The vaccine had already received emergency use authorization for this age group from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last week. Read more

U.S. cancer survivors now number 18 million. Approximately 8.3 million males and 9.7 million females with a history of cancer were living in the country as of Jan. 1, about 67% of them aged 65 and older. Read more

Lots of ‘THC-free’ CBD products contain THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the chemical in pot that causes a high, and a new report finds that 60% of CBD products tested in a lab contained it. Read more

COVID vaccines saved 20 million lives worldwide in first year. Still, almost 600,000 more deaths could have been avoided if the World Health Organization’s targets for vaccine rollout had been met, the authors of a new report said. Read more

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