Health Highlights: Jan. 24, 2022

U.S. teens in mental health crisis. Data shows that young Americans were already suffering high rates of anxiety and depression before the COVID crisis shut down schools and overturned daily life. Experts and teenagers themselves tell HealthDay Now about the toll on mental health. Read more

Can some people with macular degeneration avoid monthly eye injections? Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States. But new research suggests that at least some patients might be safely weaned off a tough-to-take treatment. Read more

Should schools stock supplies of a drug meant to stop opioid overdose? Thats what some are advocating after the recent tragic death of a seventh grader in Hartford, Conn. Read more

FDA may curb use of two COVID-19 treatments. The agency says that two monoclonal antibody treatments no longer appear to work against the highly contagious Omicron treatment, but Republican governors in some states are pushing the meds anyway. Read more

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