Health Highlights: May 10, 2022

After sweeping review, CDC looks to rebuild public trust. Recent shakeups paint a picture of an agency at a crossroads in the wake of enormous public scrutiny during the pandemic. Two experts — one a former agency chief of staff — talk with HeathDay Now about the changes ahead. Read more

Texts for better health after heart attack. Customized reminder texts may help folks who have had one heart attack avoid a second one, according to a new study out of Australia. Read more

Pregnant American women are facing more exposures to chemicals. Urine samples from women enrolled in a new study often showed the presence of many potentially hazardous chemicals found in pesticides, plastics and other sources. Read more

Why do some COVID-19 patients relapse after treatment with Paxlovid? There have been reports of symptoms returning in patients several days after completing the five-day regimen of the FDA-approved drug, leading some doctors to wonder if these patients are still contagious and should take a second round. Read more

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