Unhealthy Discounts?

If you’re a coupon clipper…listen up. Most of those store coupons will send you into junk food overload.

Researchers tore apart a months worth of online store coupons from six national grocery chains…over a thousand in all.

25-percent were for processed snack foods, candies, and desserts. 14-percent were for prepared meals. While 11-percent were for cereals.

Roughly 12-percent were for drinks…soda, juices or energy and sports drinks.

On the flip side…only 3 percent of coupons were for vegetables…and under 1 percent were for fruits.

Since coupons are designed to entice consumers, the researchers would like to see grocery stores take a healthier approach with their offers in the future.

I’m Dr. Cindy Haines with health information for your entire family.

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