We’ve heard of obesity being linked to chronic migraines. Today, there’s news of a link to the occasional migraine, too. For a study published in the journal Neurology, researchers surveyed nearly 39-hundred people, with an average age of 47…gathering information on weight, height and migraine history. 188 fit the criteria of having occasional, episodic migraines.After crunching all the numbers, obese people were found to be 81 percent more likely to have these occasional migraines than those at a normal weight.The researchers also found that the odds of episodic migraine were stronger in people who were obese and under 50, white, or female. While more research is needed…considering obesity as a risk factor for migraine could help doctors target the best medications for treatment, as some migraine aids can lead to weight gain.I’m Dr. Cindy Haines of HealthDay TV with news from today that can lead to healthy tomorrows.
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